Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pastries and The Farmers Market

I have been reading My Life In France by Julia Child. I'm only half way thru the book and yet the culture and simplicity of her life is seeping into my own. So when I woke up yesterday morning I knew I had to do something to honor that. Brady has noticed that I have been reading lots of books about Paris, France and he asked me if he could visit Paris someday. Then Ashley brought me a picture of her Dad and I kissing beneath the Eiffel Tower with the words "mommy and daddy are in love"printed in her handwriting on the back and asked "can I go to Paris too?" I was so overcome with their earnestness that I immediately decided to take them to my version of France in the Midwest. Pastries at Napoleon Bakery and fruit and vegetable foraging at the Farmers Market.

At the bakery we shared Chocolate Mousse cake (divine chocolate perfection) , Passion Fruit cake (fruity, tart, and a little tingly) a buttery, flaky croissant, a cherry pastry with a rich shell of flaky crust and 2 handpicked chocolates with decadant fillings! We sat outside and talked of birds, buildings and food. It was a gorgeous morning and the clock kept chiming every 15 minutes and the flowers were swaying almost as if dancing.

Next onto the Farmers Market. We grabbed our bags and walked the few blocks to the fruit and vegetable stands. Jared and Ashley and Me and Brady. At first I was teaching the kids how to pick the ripest and freshest fruits and vegetables by letting them lift up the produce and by having them touch, feel, smell and look. They helped pick out grapes, bananas, stawberries, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, green onions, green peppers, cucumbers and lettuce. They were so proud of their bounty but then the other dizzying sights called to them. The spice stall was especially intoxicating to Brady. He wanted to smell every one of the spices. He helped me pick out, smoky paprika, thyme, basil and cumin. He was rewarded with a cinnamon stick to suck on for the rest of the journey. Ashley liked the breads. We tasted the most divine breads and Ash and I hung back trying to figure out how we could make that particular bread or cake. It was over all too soon and as we lugged our loot to the car Ashley looked at me and said "Thanks for taking me to Paris!" and ran ahead to Daddy. Brady grabbed my hand and snuggled into my side. "Mommy I sure do love you!" Now that's the stuff life's made of!!


  1. You are such a great writer. We have such wonderful things right here in the states and very few people are willing to take advantage of them the way you just did! You are awesome and your family is lucky to have you! :)

  2. I'm so glad you are starting a blog! Wahoo!!

    I remember how you talked about going to Paris many years ago. I'm glad you got to go with your hubby! What a great way to share a little of your experience with your kids too. Love ya!
